
What is systemic counselling and therapy

  • Working systemically means to always have an eye on the whole system of the person, who is seeking for help (for example family, partner, children).
  • This doesn’t mean that all persons involved need to be present, they are just specifically considered when analysing your possible problems and solutions.
  • That’s why systemic counselling is very often with individuals, but also ideal for couples, teams.
  • Your possible ways of solutions though will not be suggested by me; I will support you to make them visible for you again.

This is why this form of therapy is often called ‘help for self-help’.

  • Furthermore, I also work – based on your question or problem – with additional methods of CBT (Cognitive behavioural Therapy) or ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy).

How can I support you

  • Crisis
  • Helping to make decisions
  • Couples Therapy
  • Anxiety/Phobia
  • Depression
  • Burnout
  • Adjustment disorder after severe life changes or events